Pordcarst returns for another run!

Colin Cabana
Xythereon Media


What is up people of the world!

Today, I’m excited to re-announce Pordcarst- my podcast featuring Sam Grey as we review, comment, and most importantly- laugh about STEM and gaming topics around the world!

Pordcarst is coming with a bit of a twist though… not only does it have a real purpose this time, but we’re also trying out video podcasts! This not only enhances the experience of podcasts but brings about a new layer of quality we aim to provide that is natively supported on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

We’re testing to see how viewers enjoy the visual content in addition to the audio on the podcast. This costs us a bit of money (massive shoutout to the patrons!) as we’re distributing the podcasts over Google’s content delivery network, guaranteeing stability and speed, but I believe it’ll be worth it. Let me know on Discord, Twitter, and Facebook if YOU like the video podcasts and want MORE!

Here’s how it works (for my techies out there) — Xythereon provides the podcast content to something called a “bucket”. This bucket is responsible for storing the content, however, distributing from that bucket is not only worse in terms of performance and speed, but it’s also more expensive, as it puts more strain on the bucket which isn’t designed to handle tons of requests at a given time. It’s also slower because that bucket isn’t able to reach viewers in other ends of the country or the world because it’s just in that one location.

Enter Cloud CDN. Google Cloud CDN takes the data from the bucket and “caches” it, which basically means to store it on its own servers which are closer to viewers. The CDN is then able to cache the podcast on servers as close as possible to viewers, lowering the latency to watch it, and thus allowing for real-time streaming such as YouTube or Netflix. This is also cheaper for some reason (I genuinely don’t know why, but my guess is that CDNs are built to distribute content, whereas buckets are built to store content).

For the first few episodes of Pordcarst, we’re going to see if you guys like the video aspect of it. If so, we’ll keep making it!


Are you ready to experience it? Head to iTunes, Spotify, or other podcast providers to watch the FIRST episode of the new Pordcarst going over my experience with Facebook Gaming, Twitch, YouTube and more, now available for streaming and downloading!

iTunes (video): https://podcasts.apple.com/.../pordcarst-visual/id1599971970

iTunes (audio): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pordcarst/id1599972011

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5NvobzHLFHKPPMU4FW2Fgo?si=dd3b1ba106e24eef

